Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


Dirty Deeds

Well, its done. I'm moved. I'm living at the new flat now and well, its done. Still having a hard time realizing that I now live back in Toronto. Dad and I got all my stuff into the minivan in one load and got back to the city just in time for Adam to leave to return his moving van. Its awfully strange to be back here, and even though I had my serious doubts about it all, I'm quite happy now to have moved. The flat is looking heaps better now that its a bit cleaner, my room is now set up, the living area is functional (although we don't have working cable television yet). We still have to put the kitchen in, but the appliances are being delivered on Tuesday (sometime between 9 and 5 - I only hope that we either a)have internet access at home by then or b) they don't arrive between noon and 2 when I'm going to be watching the Macworld Keynote at the internet cafe I now find myself in. Adam and I got pretty pissed on Corona's yesterday before his mate Greg and his girlfriend Patty came to visit. Greg's quite the hottie, who if not for being straight would SO have to worry about my grabbing his bod at every turn! Anyway, we got the disco ball up and running, and ended the evening by watching about an hour of The Karate Kid before heading to sleep. Observations: one of my neighbours has a SERIOUS issue with "cooking the Buddha" as Adam puts it - so much so that the smell of it wafting into the flat at 10am was enough to wake us both from a dead sleep. Another observation: I can hear EVERYTHING that my neighbours do - which in turn means that they can hear me as well. This does NOT bode well for entertaining anyone if noise is an issue. Today brought a trip to IKEA, and a few new things - lamps for my room, a new shower curtain, some casters for the television stand, a mirror for the bathroom so we can actually shave when necessary. Still have to get a powerbar for my room and have to head to the chemist to get some shampoo and stuff like that. I kind of like setting up a new place, but this one has SO much more work to do as well. On top of trying to find work tomorrow I'll have to wash some of the floors and try to get them clean. By the time I walked from the bathroom to my room my feet were dirty again already! Oh well, such is the experience, n'est-ce pas?


At September 20, 2006 at 1:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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At September 20, 2006 at 1:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site! |


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