Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


Long weekends...

are seemingly made for people other than me. I tend to get a bit wound up when I have too much time to myself for some reason. if I don't have to be in a particular place by a particular time I just kinda fall apart. Anyway, its been a pretty decent weekend this go round. Friday night I came up to Newmarket to the parentals (mainly to get away from the shenanigans sure to be happening in the loft with Adam & Co., but also to escape the heat and smog for a while). Went out to dinner at Canaan, chinese which has definitely improved over the years. Food was fantastic. After dinner I spent time setting up this new blog and surfing around - chatting with a few people online and generally doing nothing. Saturday I didn't get up to much during the day other than to shave my head again, chat more online, talk with Mum for ages and drink copious amounts of tea. Peter came for dinner and we went to visit our friend Amy and to check out her new Pontiac Vibe. Now its not necessarily a car I would consider (being a GM product and all), but I have to say that its really pretty cool! Nice seats, kinda sporty, and great visability - no wonder all the olds are buying them up! ;-) Anyway, went to visit Karl and Robyn after that and when they were ready for bed we went up to Barrie to Club C'est La Vie again. This guy I'd been talking to online met up with me there - and all I can say is that he was a perfect gentleman, I had a great time, nothing happened (which is good seeing as he's a bit too young for me), but I hope that we'll get to be decent friends. Haven't heard back from him since then, but ah, what is youth if not an excuse to flit around in the world? Maybe if the age difference were less I'd be more inclined to be concerning myself with what might have been, but not at this stage. But boy was it nice to spend a night out with a decent guy, very good looking and really nice at the same time. Sunday was pretty good too - after I got over my hangover... Read a lot, puttered round the house, had steak and salad for dinner and went over to Karl and Robyn's for tea (Tim Horton's steeped tea is amazing). Their friend John was visiting (nice guy, so not what I'd expect from them for some reason) and then thier friend Dow came over. Man, the discussions we had were so cool - talking about marijuana legalization, medical uses, how to grow it, all kinds of shit I'd never even thought of came up. All I need to say is that nearly every day I spend time with my brother I come away with a newfound respect for the guy and the person he has become. For someone who I think most were ready to write off as the blacksheep of the family, he's really become someone I'm proud to call my brother. Now if only I could get my own shit together! :-) So, today - Monday... The last long weekend day of the summer... The weather is cool, only 20 or so, a bit overcast... I'm spending it inside trying to get my life off the .Mac service since I don't think its worth the absolute fortune they're charging for it. I've set up a free webhosting service for my images to go on the blog, I've set up a new Nikonnet account to serve for my online photostorage area and I've got my Gmail account for email. All I need now is a domain name (which I've asked Mum and Dad for the birthday present this year) and I'm good to go. Time for more tea...


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