Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


The (re)birth of cool

Today was an eventful one, of sorts. Didn't get to bed till REALLY late last night cause I just was too up to sleep (bit stoned from the dude next door cooking till midnight, and having put Adam's ever so DIFFICULT Ikea bed together) so I ended up doing email till nearly 3am at the dodgy internet cafe. Thankfully, in my absence, the availability of internet access in Toronto has greatly improved. Hopefully, though, once I've got my broadband connected (as of Thursday!) I won't ever have to see the blacklit (yep, black lighting to make the gaming posters for Diablo II and Starcraft far more appealing) walls, nor hear the sounds of Need For Speed:Underground blaring full blast ever again. Anyway, I got up and showered quick as can be, got my coffee at Starbucks (keep forgetting there's a Timothy's right round the corner - FAR better coffee) and a paper and settled in to wait for the new appliances to arrive. Got tired of waiting and went out to internet again (did I mention that I'm a complete net junkie) and applied for some work while seeing the real-time updates for Macworld SF 2004 (update on that coming next). Just got my lunch and tucked in back at home when Bad Boy (the furniture shop) rang to tell me that the delivery dudes were around the corner and would I get the elevator for them. I did - and after much tooing and froing (the elevator never was emptied of all the CRAP people had put in there and was meant to be collected today prior to the delivery. But the guys soldiered on, got the dishwasher, stove and fridge in, laffing all the way as I managed to somehow get the antique freight elevator to the third floor. Got all the crap in - and before they would take the old one away I had to clear out all the rotting nastiness left in the dodgy one painted like a cow. Got us all downstairs, closed the doors and went to bring the lift back to the third floor. Or so you'd think. Pulled the chain that was meant to take me up - nothing. Closed the gates again to make sure that the safety hadn't been tripped. No go. Rang the super to get him to extricate me from the hundred year old deathtrap I was now about to start calling my frigid home - along with all the other nastiness in the elevator. Thankfully it was cold enough that nothing was starting to smell, but the super was simply NOT going to answer his phone. Asshole. Panic started to settle in - and my instincts took over. Rattled against the door to the outside (the first of three to actually get THROUGH the door to the outer world. Shit, fuck, damn - I'm getting STUCK in here! Well, I suddenly went all intelligent, found the place where the door was catching - opened the other three doors and got my freezing ass outta there. Don't know if I broke anything as I slammed the freakin' doors down, but hell, I don't CARE. Got back upstairs and after finally getting to eat my lunch (which having been sitting in the flat for two hours was less than terribly appetizing) and set up the appliances. Now I have a place to keep things, um, cold. Or hot. Or clean. Bliss.


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