Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


Home again...

Man, what a weekend... I'm really glad to be home in that I've got all my "things" around me. My iBook, and my bed. Yeah, I gotta put up with the other guy, but I'll survive. The 2 beers I had at Simon and Stacy's tonight kinda helps that one. I've also had another 2 pints out with Peter at the Churchmouse & Firkin. Didn't wanna get TOO messy seeing as I've got my physical tomorrow morning. I really am NOT looking forward to the "cough and turn" test. I know its something I have to put with, but at least I'd expect a drink or two first. Okay, I take back the sentiment previous noted about putting up with the other guy. Doesn't he ever fucking realize that I'm fucking BUSY??? Does not the fact that I'm turned away, working on a computer and not even paying attention even register with this guy? I mean, honestly! Kay, I'm done bitching now. Back to getting ready for bed.


At November 14, 2006 at 2:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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At November 14, 2006 at 2:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
My homepage | Please visit

At November 14, 2006 at 2:51 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site! |


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