Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


What an interesting... um... day?

Had one good thing happen today. Andrea rang me from Scotland and a full hour and a half conversation ensued. Thank goodness for ₤3 left on a phone card! We got cut off near the end of our convo, and it simply wasn't enough, so I rang her back and said goodbye's. I think we really have found some extreme form of bonding between her living overseas and mine having just come back. Wish I'd had someone to help show me the ropes and to explain how things work when you're away when I was. Oh well... Kinda babbling today - applied for so many jobs I don't think I'll have any chance of actually getting. Michelle, bless her heart, has forwarded my resume to one of the recruiters in her agency that I'm meant to ring tomorrow. I'll get on that by noon. Still have heaps of work to do to get a job and money is getting tight. Guess I'm going to have to end up doing one of those stupid telemarketing jobs to make some cash. One funny thing I saw today online: Which Living Dead Doll Are You? Here's my result: You are Siren. You are quiet, shy and tend to be slightly naive.
You are Siren. You are quiet, shy and tend to be
slightly naive. Kay, I'm going to get jerk chicken for dinner. Starving. This having no money is shite.


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