Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


Bored, bored, bored...

I'm so glad I'm at work. I'm so glad I'm at work. I'm so glad I'm at work. Nope, didn't work. I thought that if I said it enough times I'd be happy about being here still. As it is I can only say that I'm completely and utterly bored out of my mind. I can just see that I'm going to get in trouble someday soon - probably similar trouble to that which I was going to get into at Dun & Bradstreet before I left. Lets just say that Internet access should not be allowed for Eric during the day. The only problem is that my job is that its so damn easy that I can work and surf at the same time. I've been keeping abreast of all my photoblogs I follow, updating my own journal, writing email to friends (hi Andrea!) and generally doing everything I can to keep my mind active. I have a feeling I'm going to be busted for it soon enough, but you know I just can't care that much. The people I work with are at such a low level of intelligence and maturity (as though I expected something more from a collection company). If I had enough guts to do it, I'd start surfing to find another job - but even I know that's pushing things a little farther than I'd like to go. Its not even like there's any good spunks around anywhere. There's really only two spunky guys here that I'd even look twice at - and they're so straight its shocking. Anyway, I'd better get back at it...


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