Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


My own (sur)real life (Part 2)

Man, last night was another whopper of a night! I'm not sure what the deal is lately about strangeness in my life, but it seems as though there's a good deal of it coming through loud and clear. Never mind that the night before was one of the strangest on record, but then to have the kind of impromtu party that developed was just not expected. Last night was the series finale of Sex and the City (I'm not giving anything away here for those who haven't seen it yet, so don't worry), and I had thought previously that it might be nice to have some people round to watch it, but never really got round to inviting anyone. After just spending the day hanging out at the loft, I got a call from Adam (who went out with Will for dim sum (yum cha for my Aussies) asking me if I'd invite my pal Gen round. I havent' seen her in a few weeks, so I left her a vmail to see what she'd been up to. In the meantime, Girlfriend (Michelle) got a call as well to see if she'd be up to coming over as well (the Un-Usual Saturday night suspects gathering again). Got a call back from Gen first, yep, she's in. Got a call from Girlfriend, yep, she's in - and she's bringing her friend Soren, who's bi, runs a pornography shop and is kinda hot, according to Girlfriend. Hoan. Should be interesting. And it was actually - we all hung out, had grapes, wine, cheese, some choccies, a few rum and cokes - excellent conversation, a few tarot card readings by yours truly and some very interesting three-way flirting between Soren and Michelle, and Soren and I. He's about the same height as me, butch, #2 crop, goatee kind of thing - and MAJOR tattoos on his arms. Wouldn't have noticed too terribly much had he not pulled his sleeves of his jumper up. Oh, and he was wearing 12 hole Doc's. Damn, Adam had it right when he said to himself upon meeting Soren, "Damn, Eric gonna DIG". He was pretty, well, squalor in his deportment, VERY rough round the edges, but Girlfriend had told me that to start with. I'd SO be very interested in doing, well, something with the dude that involved a bit of alone time and a whip or something... Anyway, we watched the episode, had a little toast to end of Carrie and the gang, and boogied on down to Woody's for our traditional Last Orders Drinks. I've been really getting turned on to Absolute Mandarin Vodka with Tonic - awesomely good drink. Soren bought us a round, which was quite nice, and then he and I watched the Best Legs competition. No contest really there - the final round was some little hispanic guy from Toronto competing against this like 6'7" MONSTER bodybuilder from Chicago. Of course we all wanted the HOT one! ;-) Anyway, as Michelle and Soren were leaving to catch the last train back to Mississauga, he shook my hand (about as far as I'm willing to go with some guy I've just met, unless I'm about to sleep with him) when he pulled me into this massive hug and kissed me on the cheek. According to Girlfriend in our recap convo this arvo, he told her about that as well. Hoan. So, rest of the night - nothing special. Went for brunch with Peter and Ida for her birthday today, came home and jacked into some streaming tunes and passed out for a really good nap. Adam went out with his friend Anna, and I'm all about getting to bed at a reasonable hour again. Work comes too freakin' quickly - and the universe only knows what I'm about to get myself into this week if the weekend has been any prelude.

My own (sur)real life...

Okay, okay - I know I've been bitching a little bit lately about things, and I'm going to try and work on that. I'm having probably one of the best days I've had in ages. Got myself going (eventually) today, and although late for my appointment with the slide scanner at the Toronto Reference Library, I made the most of it. Went to the other library branch to return my (somewhat) overdue books first, then out to Tim Hortons for a quick lunch. Got all my slides scanned and burned to a CD and came home to test it out. Damn, those file sizes are huge, and Photoshop just isn't coping well with my lack of RAM in the iBook. Need to get that sorted. But back to the events of Friday night - went out with Ida and Peter for our usually semi-monthly drinking binge - beer, cosmopolitans, and vodka tonics. Lovely evening. Peter drove me back to the loft when we were done. Adam was priming the base of the kitchen island for final painting, I just watched some stupid movie with Ice Cube in it, some crap called Surviving the Game. I only remember it because of the events of the next few hours. Adam walked over to say something, and looking out the window he says, "Dude, get out of the tree!" I thought perhaps he was either a) reliving a past acid trip or b) talking to the television - never once thinking there may be an option c) to consider. Turns out that this was the understatement of the week. There WAS someone in the tree - more like a really tall shrub - that grows outside my window in the loungeroom. This shirtless skinny dude, about 25 was actually waist high to the window - IN THE TREE. Remember, we're three floors up, face an alleyway that really NO ONE wants to walk down, never mind actually explore. He's up there - no more than perhaps half a meter away from me - looking me straight in the eyes. Well, he starts heading back on down the tree as I'm sitting there trying deciding whether or not I'll call the police, or just throw something at him. Neither was actually required, seeing as about two minutes later - and 15 feet lower than my window - the branch cracked and dropped the dude about 25 feet to the ground. I didn't actually see this happen, but man, I heard it. Adam looked out the window and saw that he was on the ground, not moving - but breathing. After giving the guy about a minute to see if he'd just been winded - I called 911 and had the full treatment show up at the building. Fire department, coppers and ambo's (one of whom was a TOTAL spunk!) Anyway, turns out that this dude has a few priors for break and enter - as well a pretty sketchy history. So, after all that drama, they charged him with Prowl by Night - like that's a REAL charge! Had to give a statement to the coppers over the phone and might even be subpoenaed - all because I was more afraid that this dude was dead than him actually being able to get into my place. Took a few hours, an episode of Buffy and a few ciggies to get me calm enough to sleep. But that I did. I know my writing SO sucks right now - but I'm tired, hung over - and SO needing to get back to sleep.


For cripes sake, grow UP!

Its been ages since I've written - mainly because I just haven't had the time or inclination. I was doing SO well, too! I've been busy doing things on the weekend that I don't want to do (like spend the ENTIRE weekend doing things that Adam planned for the loft - nice to have it done, but I'm so tired of doing all this crappy stuff already!) or being obligated to do things that just don't interest me. My needs are SO being left behind lately, I've really gotta look at that and figure out what to do about it. I'm at work again, and I'm just getting more and more fed up with all these low class, immature pathetic people I work with. Drama, gossip, backbiting - all part of the daily routine round here. Its incredibly mind-numbing - and even when I think that I can do my job if I was just left alone to do it, I have silly little Michelle sitting next to me telling me every little minute detail of her sad little existence. Perhaps I'm just not cut out for actually being sociable with people I work with. I mean, I get up in the morning and I'm alone until I get to Eglinton station. There I run into Jonny, the new guy who never shuts up. Talks at me the whole bus ride to work. There I have to deal with idiots who can't possibly comprehend the fact that I don't WANT to talk to them after spending ALL day on the phone, which means that I never get a moment to myself during the day. The ride home is exactly the same as the ride in - Jonny babbling on like an idiot. Then I get home and well, you guessed it, no peace there either. Adam just couldn't possibly handle the fact that I need some peace and quiet when I get in.

Someone, somewhere, is going to be told to fuck off soon. Just a matter of time till it happens.

Peter and I had a great day on Sunday doing the photographic scavenger hunt found here. Ended up at the Fiddler's Green pub having pints of Harp. Man, that stuff was a bit skanky going down the first pint, but after 6 or 7 it was well good. Bit of a hangover Monday - but not too bad. Anyway, we had a great conversation about life and where we're going and what we're looking for. Basically, it came down to wanting more out of what we have, and living in conjunction with our values (which I've come to note as being Freedom, Exploration, Integrity and Passion - FIPE, EFPI, PIFE, FIEP, PIEF, EPIF, whatever...). I'm SO not living in concert with these things - hence my annoyance with all those idiots around me. I had a point I was going to make, but of course I just had to hear about how fantastic Michelle is for actually doing a part of her job. Yippee fucking ki-ay.

Best part of yesterday was talking to Andrea. Damn, I love that girl. Even after nearly a year since I've laid eyes on her, just talking to her puts me right back into that same place where geography is completely irrelevant and those you love are all around you.

I'm sounding stupid now - gonna go out for a cigarette and contemplate how much I'm growing into a bitter gnarled old soul before my time.


Another fucking playlist

1. Together Again - Janet Jackson 2. Where is the love? - Black Eyed Peas 3. Carnival - Natalie Merchant 4. Full of Grace - Sarah McLachlan 5. King of May - Natalie Merchant 6. If It's Hurting You - Robbie Williams 7. Love Story - Layo + Bushwacka 8. Fallen - Sarah McLachlan 9. Cry Me a River - Justin Timberlake 10. Time after Time - INOJ Now, I know what you're thinking.... damn, this random playlist thing is freaky! talk about suiting my mood exactly! hmmm.... I mean, I know Apple's got some cool shit in making these iBooks, but I didn't know it came with a mood sensor.... Must be the glowy Apple thingy in the lid.... MoodPort Extreme I call it... Night all, I'm sleepy...


Bored, bored, bored...

I'm so glad I'm at work. I'm so glad I'm at work. I'm so glad I'm at work. Nope, didn't work. I thought that if I said it enough times I'd be happy about being here still. As it is I can only say that I'm completely and utterly bored out of my mind. I can just see that I'm going to get in trouble someday soon - probably similar trouble to that which I was going to get into at Dun & Bradstreet before I left. Lets just say that Internet access should not be allowed for Eric during the day. The only problem is that my job is that its so damn easy that I can work and surf at the same time. I've been keeping abreast of all my photoblogs I follow, updating my own journal, writing email to friends (hi Andrea!) and generally doing everything I can to keep my mind active. I have a feeling I'm going to be busted for it soon enough, but you know I just can't care that much. The people I work with are at such a low level of intelligence and maturity (as though I expected something more from a collection company). If I had enough guts to do it, I'd start surfing to find another job - but even I know that's pushing things a little farther than I'd like to go. Its not even like there's any good spunks around anywhere. There's really only two spunky guys here that I'd even look twice at - and they're so straight its shocking. Anyway, I'd better get back at it...


The morning after

Yet another weekend is coming to pass quite quickly. Michelle, Will and Genevieve came over last night to help paint and keep us company. Luckily, Adam got really pissed last night so he doesn't wanna go out to Home Depot and get stuff to do the kitchen island and storage unit. So my room is now painted... brown room I didn't think I'd actually ever have a "brown" room, but after getting the deal of the century on the paint, I don't mind so much. What you don't see in the photo is that fact that the other two walls are kind of a mocha colour that's really a nice contrast to the chocolate. So far, I love it. Took some photos this morning as well - one of my view out the windows in the loft, and another that's just kind of nice. ashtray toilet accessories


Went out for drinks with Peter and Ida last night. Started out at the Blue Meany on Yonge St, but didn't really care for it terribly. Gross blue walls, nasty bitchy Yonge & Eglinton tarts making mean faces at Ida. Didn't stay long - just long enough to have a nice drink of Amsterdam Blonde.

Picked up our gear and moved out to Scruffy Murphy's on Eglinton. Much nicer - reminds me of Aussie pubs (the high end ones anyway - not so much like the Dover Hotel or anything). Ida's a blast - like her a lot. She and I really are very much alike - I wonder if perhaps too much sometimes. No wonder Peter likes being around us though, we seem to laugh up a storm. Adam's driving me mental still. I mean, I can't just possibly sit in my own lounge/living room space of the loft (see previous posts for a photo! :-) and enjoy my morning. Nope, its all about "spending time" and "constant nattering on" and shit. I'd really really like to just have some peace and quiet at the weekend. Now it looks like I'm spending part of the day doing stuff with him today - then tomorrow we're going to Home Depot to get shit for the storage area and the kitchen island. Saturday next all of a sudden I have to go to his sister and sister-in-law's place to help take these shelves down in their living room to add to the storage area. I mean, I like the fact that we're getting this place together, but somehow I'm finding myself at a complete loss as to how I've lost my personal time and space. I'm so used to being able to do things on my own - when and where I want. I guess I'm tired of entertaining/being entertained. Can't I just be blank for a while? Michelle is coming over to help paint my bedroom tonight. Should be fun. Can't wait to have the manky walls clean finally. I think I'm going to escape to my parents after next weekend. I just need some time away - time to myself - and so can't afford to do it the way I'd like. Shouldn't have to either. In other news, Andrea is back from Barthelona! I hear there's major updates in the works on her journal - can't wait to read all about them! I think I'm just in a pissy mood. Pardon me.

Saturday mornings

I have this thing for Saturday mornings that seems to have developed over the past little while. I'm getting up at a proper hour and actually doing things instead of just killing time till the bars and clubs open. Lately I've been getting up and going to the local coffeehouse round the corner from the loft and just writing in my wee journal till my hand cramps. I'm getting so used to the time to and with myself that I'm almost over protective of it now. Adam asked me yesterday to go with him to get some supplies and materials to make the storage closet for the loft. I said yes, I'd go - but AFTER my time by myself. I really don't care when the storage thing gets done, its not that vital to me to see it done - and as long as he doesn't take my entire day - either waiting for him to get his shit together - or all day at the shops - that's fine. Just don't ask me to handle any power tools.



Okie dokie - now I'm officially tired. All I can think of to write is....

That's my loft - with some artistic license, after a night of drinking. Not too bad, huh?


Weirdest day ever

Today has been the strangest one in a long time. Since I didn't go to work last Thursday I've been making up the time at the rate of about 1.5 hours a day all week. My days are long enough, but with this added time its become nearly surreal. Yesterday was a 12 hour shift - just enough to completely fry me out. Anyway, I got up a bit early today and thought I'd leave just a few minutes earlier than normal so I could pick up a spot of brekkie to brighten the day. Good thing I did. Weird thing #1 I normally take the subway about 10 minutes up the line and then take a bus another 15 minutes and bam, I'm at work. Not today. There was a small fire in the underground station after mine which shut down the entire line. Had to walk about 20 minutes to get to the nearest line - take that line for two stops, change lines again, take that train about 20 minutes up - hop a bus across town to the usual station I catch my bus from and then take that one to work. All told it took me nearly an hour and a half to do a normal 35 minute commute. Weird thing #2 Waiting for my bus to take me back to the station to get home this evening. Standing at the stop, watching all the traffic drive past. Suddenly see a big yellow schoolbus go zipping past. Schoolbuses at night are strange. Not happy things like freshly sharpened pencils, or the smell of blackboard chalk. Eerie things like Freddy Krueger and bizarre South Park "best of" episodes ("now that's what I call a sticky situation"). Weird thing #3 Well, not so much weird as annoying. Made an appointment at the H&R Block office to get my 2003 taxes filed - GO REFUND!! When I booked the appointment yesterday, I made sure to mention that I needed to see someone who was familiar with filing foreign tax credits. Got there, waited patiently till my time - and didn't you know it that the person wasn't available. Had to leave my stuff there to have him do it during the day. Guess I'm not getting my cashback straight away - but as long as its coming I'll be happy. Other than that - I'm just tired, a bit irritable, hungry - damn hungry! - and have to leave to do laundry. Will my days ever get better/easier/better/happier/better/richer? ;-) Gotta say to one person in particular - cause she needs to hear it - love ya girlfriend!


Good things...

Seem to happen when you least expect them.... I got an email today from one Annie at - responding to my submission of some of my photos to the Breathing Space section. I never in a million years thought it would actually amount to anything - and yet, here's Annie saying that she thinks my photographs are beautiful and they'd love to use some of them. Had to quickly resize and resubmit a few choice ones, and even though I don't yet know which ones they want to use - I'm absolutely thrilled! I know its not a big deal, really. I'm not being paid for it, and its just a small section of the website - but to think that millions of people are going to get to see some of my pictures is just awesome. I'm completely over the moon about it. If only I could get over my headache now. The people I work with just natter on ALL freakin' day. I wish I could just tell them to shut the hell up, get back to work and get on with it. Good thing I'm a Libra, holding two completely different emotions simultaneously - elation at being selected to show my work to Oprah's readers (Oprah, dammit! :-) and being completely pissed off with the people I work with. Hoan.