Virtual Zen

Zen mind, beginner's mind... My life as a beginning Zen student, and everything else that falls away...


Benefits of working here

At work today we had a staff meeting about the benefits plan and what it covers and doesn't cover and stuff. I asked the guy why it was that we didn't get Zyban covered or other smoking cessation programs when its been proven that quitting smoking can reduce the amount of healthcare related charged substantially. He basically said that studies have shown that for insurance companies the costs are yearly for even single subscribers of Zyban, the patch etc. There has been apparently no conclusive evidence that these methods increase the chances of quitting permanently.

Not that it matters really now that I've been done with it for over a month.

Go me!


At September 9, 2004 at 3:32 p.m., Blogger rannie said...

At my office, smoking cessation programs are covered.. but only on a one time basis.

So if i go through the program and quit, but then start up again. The next time I want to quit and use a program, it won't be covered.

At September 9, 2004 at 3:53 p.m., Blogger virtuallyeric said...

You know, I really wish that I had been able to experience the wonders of Zyban, but I'm just as glad that I didn't. Not just for the fact that I don't know if I'd react well or badly as a result of it, but also that as a Buddhist I'm supposed to refrain from excessive mind altering substances. I'm not above getting absolutely blind drunk or stoned now and again, but using medication as a way of overcoming an addiction when I can do better myself? Not likely.


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